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Invoice resource, it includes the class Resource, a request class to create the resource and a class to represent an Invoice Item.


facturapi.resources.invoices.Invoice dataclass

Invoice resource

Resource for an Invoice. It inherits from Creatable, Deletable, Downloadable, Queryable and Retrievable.


Name Type Description
created_at datetime.datetime

The datetime in which the resource was created.

livemode bool

If the resource was created in test or live mode.

status str

Status of the invoice.

customer_info CustomerBasicInfo

Basic info of the Customer.

customer_uri str

URI representing how to fetch a Customer resource related to the Invoice.

total float

Invoice total.

uuid str

'Folio fiscal' assigned by SAT.

payment_form PaymentForm

Form of payment of the Invoice.

items List[InvoiceItem]

List of items of the Invoice.

currency str

Currency of the invoice in ISO format.

exchange float

Exchange value to Mexican Pesos.

cancellation_status str

If the Invoice was cancelled, the status of the cancellation. Optional.

folio_number int

Folio number. Optional.

series str

Custom series string. Optional. Defaults to None.

related List[str]

UUID of related invoices. Defaults to None.

relation InvoiceRelation

Relation key from the SAT catalogue. Defaults to None.


facturapi.resources.invoices.Invoice.customer: Customer property readonly

Fetch and access Customer resource.

This property fetches and maps the customer related to an invoice so it can be accessed through a simple property instead of making a manual retrieve.


Type Description

Customer: Customer related to the invoice.


facturapi.resources.invoices.Invoice.cancel(invoice_id) classmethod

Cancel an invoice.

Calls a DELETE request on invoice resource.


Name Type Description Default
invoice_id str

The ID of the invoice to cancel.



Type Description

Invoice: The cancelled invoice resource.

Source code in facturapi/resources/
def cancel(cls, invoice_id: str) -> 'Invoice':
    """Cancel an invoice.

    Calls a DELETE request on invoice resource.

        invoice_id: The ID of the invoice to cancel.

        Invoice: The cancelled invoice resource.

    return cast('Invoice', cls._delete(invoice_id))
facturapi.resources.invoices.Invoice.create(data) classmethod

Create an invoice.


Name Type Description Default
data InvoiceRequest

All the request data to create an invoice.



Type Description

Invoice: The created resource.

Source code in facturapi/resources/
def create(cls, data: InvoiceRequest) -> 'Invoice':
    """Create an invoice.

        data: All the request data to create an invoice.

        Invoice: The created resource.

    cleaned_data = data.dict(exclude_unset=True, exclude_none=True)
    return cast('Invoice', cls._create(**cleaned_data))

facturapi.resources.invoices.InvoiceItem pydantic-model

Class representing an Item from an Invoice.


Name Type Description
quantity str

Number of items of this type. Defaults to 1.

discount float

Discount on the item price if any. Defaults to 0.

product Union[str, ProductBasicInfo, Dict]

Product ID, info or request to create a resource.

custom_keys List[str]

List of custom product keys. Optional.

complement str

XML code with additional info to add to the invoice. Optional.

parts List[ItemParts]

If the concept includes parts. Optional.

property_tax_account str

'Predial' number. Optional.

facturapi.resources.invoices.InvoiceRequest pydantic-model

This request must be filled to create an Invoice. It contains all information necessary to create this resource.


Name Type Description
customer Union[str, CustomerRequest]

Customer ID or a CustomerRequest to create a new one.

items List[InvoiceItem]

List of items of the invoice.

payment_form PaymentForm

Form of payment.

payment_method PaymentMethod

Method of payment. Defaults to PaymentMethod.contado.

use InvoiceUse

Invoice SAT CFDI use. Defaults to InvoiceUse.adquisicion_mercancias.

folio_number int

Internal folio number. Optional.

series str

Internal series string. Optional.

currency str

Currency of the invoice in ISO format. Defaults to MXN.

exchange float

If a currency is present, the exchange value to Mexican Pesos. Defaults to 1.0.

conditions str

Payment conditions. Optional.

foreign_trade Dict

Info to add a 'Complemento de Comercio Exterior'. Optional.

related List[str]

UUID list of related invoices. Optional.

relation InvoiceRelation

If related invoices are given, their relation key from the SAT catalogue. Optional.

pdf_custom_section str

HTML string code to include content to the invoice's PDF. Optional

addenda str

XML code with Addenda. Optional.

namespaces List[Namespace]

If addenda or an item complement is given, the special namespaces of the XML code. Optional.